Torsten WeggenDNN module development with Angular 2+ (Part 7)

In this part of the blog I'll show you how to create a DNN module with Angular 2 und higher versions. I got a lot of requests to do this blog but I needed some time to get all the things together. But now I think everything fits and I'm happy to share this with you!


Torsten WeggenDNN module development with AngularJS (Part 5)

In this part of the journey we want to implement an automatic mechanism to create an installable package of our module on every release build. For this purpose we make use of a specific library built by Ernst Peter Tammingas XCESS expertise center which I tweaked a little bit.


Torsten WeggenBlogging in DNN with Markdown Monster by Rick Strahl

<p>Blogging with Windows Live Writer is often a complicated thing. Like with every HTML editor you need to have good knowledge of the HTML language. If you are not careful, you overwrite the default fonts, font width, colors and other styles. See how easy blogging is with Markdown and the new Markdown editor by Rick Strahl</p>


Torsten WeggenCreating a global token engine

<p>One thing I liked most in former Joomla times was the possibilty to create global tokens that could be used anywhere in a Post / Article. Think of an &quot;add to cart&quot; token that you can place in a blog post that expands to a button that adds a predefined product to your cart!&nbsp; See how this could be done in DNN!</p>


Torsten Weggen


Torsten WeggenRapid Module Development Part 2 - The multilanguage thing…

In this blog I’ll show you how you can implement ML features without any hassle. My method is very straight forward and you could use this as a pattern for all your modules. There is no more increased effort needed to make your module ML compliant if you follow these guidelines.


Torsten WeggenRapid Module Development

Over the last months I developed a lot of DNN modules and in this blog I will show you how I do that. I’ll show you some of my tools I’m using and what helps me to do my work in a timely manner.


Torsten WeggenTorsten Weggen: About me

Since my nomination as a DNN MVP late last year I feel the need to introduce myself a little bit more to the community. In fact, this nomination was a big surprise for me and I don’t know how to fulfil the expectations at the moment. Times are extremely busy and I suspect that I am not able to act as an MVP in the way I want to, especially in the next 3 or 4 month. The reason for this is a big DNN project, more on this later!


Torsten WeggenTest of the new Blog Module

This is a test for the new Blog module with Live-Writer


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